Kevin’s Fine Outdoor Gear and Apparel
Kevin’s Fine Outdoor Gear and Apparel is known for providing authentic products and experiences for over 40 years, Kevin’s upholds the reputation for presenting the highest level of service and merchandise for the Upland Lifestyle in Southwest Georgia. Kevin’s has a passion for the great outdoors and knows the importance of keeping traditions of the Upland Lifestyle alive for many generations to come.
Kevin’s Quail Trail
Kevin’s is situated in the historical and famous Bob White Quail Capital of the World located within the Red Hills of N. Florida and S.W. Georgia. The quail population is unique to this area because of long leaf pine forests, wire-grass, clay/sandy soil and the commitment to conservation. Many upland bird hunters from around the world visit this area to quail hunt and enjoy southern hospitality. To promote and show gratitude towards the preserves in the area, I composed a map of the properties that Kevin’s has built relationships with over many years and is proud to recommend to customers. These hunting preserves each offer their own unique style and services and have a long history of success. You may learn more details about each property by visiting the plantation’s websites which are listed in the key. When you follow this “Quail Trail” you’ll experience some of the finest quail hunting in the world. I designed this map by using adobe Illustrator and building connections and communicating with plantation owners from all over Georgia. I not only designed the map, but I also had to call, and coordinate with these plantations so I could collect photos and biographies from each of them for the “Destinations” page of the Kevin’s website. This map is also featured on the new Kevin’s website.
Kevin’s Custom Camo
Kevin's is famous for their performance and shooting shirts. I designed this Exclusive Vintage Camo for the fall shooting shirt collection. This camo design is now being used by Kevin’s company on shooting shirts, performance shirts (long and short sleeve), tablecloths, pillows, napkins, and much more! The design was included for the first time in the fall 2019 catalog and is flying off the shelves. I drew this camo design by hand using my Wacom tablet. I made a green design and a brown design so there are more options available to the customers based on their specific needs whether it’s hunting in the field, or a casual day downtown.
Quail and Pointer Pattern
I designed this quail and pointer design which is used for clothing, kitchen products, and other products sold at Kevin’s. The design was originally only going to be for the jacket lining of Kevin’s new washable wax jackets but the company ended up using this on multiple products.
Graphic T-shirt Designs
These graphic shirt designs were created using adobe Illustrator. They are sold online and in stores at Kevin’s, they are also featured in the catalog.
Hat Design Illustrations
I illustrated these simple designs using Adobe Illustrator. The embroidered designs are featured on Kevin’s performance material hats.
Website Rebuild
Kevin’s Fine Outdoor Gear and Apparel had the same website host for over five years. The website was old and outdated and there was a lot of terrible mishaps happening with the software. Sales were decreasing and the amount of money the company was losing was outrageous. Our creative team came together to save the company and rebuild Kevin’s website. We did this by using the website builder “Shopify” and created this sleek, user friendly website. Since we launched this new site, sales are better than ever and it was a great experience knowing I helped with such a huge step forward for Kevin’s. Small businesses have a hard time staying alive in today’s economy and I was able to be a part of helping this company improve their “look” for better business. This experience showed me how important graphic designers really are in this world and how we can change a lot of business owners lives doing what we do.
Kevin’s Catalog
Catalog production was always a busy time at Kevin’s. Semi-annually (Summer and Winter), we would commit months of work and time to create a full catalog for the company. Different seasonal products were featured in the catalog for both the stores and online and they would be sent out to thousands of customers. I would do a lot of the catalog photography both lifestyle and product photography. I also clipped a lot of product photos from the background using the clipping tool in Photoshop. After I would clip the photos, I would edit them, add a drop shadow and get them ready for layout on the pages of the catalog in Adobe Indesign. Once the creative team finishes the draft of the catalog, we send it off to many other departments to review and edit. Once the catalog is edited and finalized by the owners, we send it off to the printing company!



